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How To Discover Your Brand Identity

How To Discover Your Brand Identity


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What is a brand identity? Essentially, a brand identity is how your brand presents itself to the public and how customers distinguish your brand from others in their minds. It consists of visual elements, such as colour scheme and logo, as well as things like tone of voice and values. It’s important for your brand to have a clear brand identity for many reasons, but to name just a couple, it makes your brand memorable and stand out from competitors, and shows that you are reliable and trustworthy.

If you’re stuck on where to start with developing a unique identity for your brand, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are the key questions you need to consider to get the ball rolling.

What are your values?

What is most important to you as a brand? Integrity, simplicity, approachability? No matter what your values are, it is essential that these are conveyed in your brand identity. It should immediately be clear to potential customers what values you represent, just from looking at your logo, website, social media accounts and advertising. Determining what your values are and how you could consistently express them across your brand is an excellent place to start when it comes to developing a unique brand identity.

What makes your brand unique?

Think USPs. What does your brand have that your competitors do not? Determining this is the first step in creating a brand identity that is clear and enticing. Every piece of marketing your brand puts out into the world should show potential customers what it is that makes you stand out, so that they want to give you their business over anybody else. Your USPs can be as major or as minor as you like – anything at all is valuable and can attract customers!

Who is your target audience?

Who do you want to engage with your brand? Are they male or female? Young or old? These are all things you need to consider when creating an identity for your brand, because they will determine your tone of voice, colour palette, and even the emojis you use in your advertising copy and on social media. Different people want different things, so it’s important to know your audience and determine what type of branding will lure them in as a loyal customer. If you learn what it is that your target demographic looks for in a business, then you will be able to create a brand that they love.

How will you maintain continuity?

Once you have an idea of your brand identity, you need to make sure that it is implemented consistently in everything you do. This means always using the same logo and colour scheme across your website and advertising, but, crucially, it also means maintaining the same tone of voice across all platforms. Doing this could be as simple as using specific words and phrases that represent your brand in ads and on social media, or even using the same selection of emojis in all of your content! Maintaining continuity will consolidate your brand and draw customers in.

Now that you’ve answered all of these questions, you should have a much clearer idea of your brand identity and everything it has the potential to be. Don’t be afraid to try out different things and see what works best for you and your brand!

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