If that's even possible.
Manchester might be an oft-rainy and grey city, but it’s OUR rainy and grey city. And if there’s anything we’ve learned this summer, it’s that heatwaves are overrated.
Another quality that MCR boasts is a stellar sense of humour, and in 2022’s meme culture, that translates into incredibly precise memes. So we scoured the internet for the very best (and even came up with some ourselves) and collated them here for your pleasure:
The Manc Walk
Is it just us or can you picture *exactly* what the person leaving these footprints looks like?
The Intoxication of Adam
One of the most iconic photographs ever captured of Manchester is the messy New Year’s Eve night out in front of the Arndale. If somehow you’re unfamiliar with the historic artefact, here it is:
Nothing quite sums up Manchester’s drinking culture like this, but I don’t think we’d have it any other way.
A Tale of Two Cars
This meme is 100% DMT-sourced content. Spotted by our very own director, these cars just line up too perfectly. Yarite Ar Kid?
Platform 13
For those who haven’t had the displeasure of visiting Platform 13 and 14 at Manchester Piccadilly, count yourselves lucky. The distance between the station entrance and the furthermost platform is somewhere between the journey to a typical Wetherspoon bathroom and the length of the Great Wall of China.
Piccadilly Gardens
When you arrive as a tourist in Manchester, Piccadilly Gardens seems to be the place you gravitate towards. Is it the close proximity to Primark? Are people mistaking the name for London’s Piccadilly Circus? Is it the transcendent experience of visiting the nearby Morrison’s Market Kitchen?
It’s certainly not the green space (which is becoming more and more limited now with the new closed-off dining area), despite what Magnum seemed to think.
It may be the central point of our incredible city, but we definitely don’t hold it in high regard (although look up pics of Piccy G in the nineties - it was low key gorge).
What would the official vape flavour of Spinningfields be? Probably something pretentious.
Salford is the Roatan of Europe
Caribbean of the North West, we’ve been saying that for years.
Northern Quarter

We’re all guilty of staying out later than we should at one time or another, and there are plenty of places around Manchester City Centre that tempt us to stick around for another bev.
And, of course, there’s the late-night secret bar Junior Jackson’s on Oldham Street. The place where everybody knows your name (we’ve bumped into a lot of our acquaintances here over time).
This lion is the same guy who left the footprints in the snow, btw.
We’ve seen them in Soup Kitchen plenty of times.
Thank god the majority of NQ is cashless now.
This Full English looks pantastic!
Manchester’s Finest
Personally, we can’t wait for the Wombles-themed candlelit orchestra night being held upstairs at Thompson’s.
If you like our meme-hunting skills, you’ll LOVE the services we can bring to your eCommerce business. And if you’re Manchester-based, even better - you can come round ours for coffee or a beer!
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